It is common to see painted buildings with cracks in the render showing through the paint work. Often the cracks in the render correspond with mortar joints in the blockwork behind the render or weaknesses in the masonry. One problem is that when a building is repainted these cracks can quickly reappear through the paint, even if filled.
Long-lasting repair
In our opinion the best solution is to use an extremely flexible, micro porous, anti-carbonation coating either with a flat or textured finish, such as a specialist flexible masonry paint. When we apply this protective coating one of the first things we do is to check for sources of damp that may affect the finished product – even a well applied masonry paint is unlikely to adhere to a damp wall. With a dry wall we remove all loose material and repair any damaged areas as well as give all surfaces a thorough clean. A stabilising solution is applied to all friable and porous surfaces with all cracks repaired using flexible fillers and / or reinforcing mesh. The final paint finish is applied in two coats, which can be chosen from over 30,000 colours.
The finished product is elastic, waterproof, washable and breathable. It has an excellent resistance to ageing and contamination and protects reinforced concrete against carbonation and corrosion. On larger projects the paint manufacturer guarantees their product for 10 years even in aggressive environments such as by the sea. The level of performance of this paint is far greater than that of other mainstream products available on the market.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding a painted wall that is cracked, damp or in an aggressive environment.